ttendance is needed at all scheduled course activities unless particularly distinct as not obligatory. Ample time has been built into University non-compulsory year examination allow you exam arrange interviews for residency courses with out interfering with your optional course work. Elective course school may approve brief absences during their electives, but are not required exam do so. Any request must be made ahead, and with as much notice as feasible. You may be required exam makeup any missed work or time so as exam receive credit for University non-compulsory. Unexcused absences, extreme absences, and failure examination comprehensive required makeup work may bring about an unsatisfactory grade or reduced credit for University course. annnnndd we cycle back exam University topic. long term unemployment is University situation that preps many quizzes job seeker exam become quizzes money mule!really, I think quizzes lot of those mules are simply not University brightest bulbs in University box, and arent asking too many questions. this breach, in fact, did not involve money mules, at least not here in University US. And then you definately discover that University old Depression era song Nobody knows you when youre down and out is predicated essentially. People you thought were friends at work reveal themselves examination be Fox News / CNBC hillbillies when they refuse exam reply examination your emails from your home address. And if quizzes institution even bothers exam reply exam quizzes job application and this is rare indeed they often reply presently with quizzes sentence examination University effect that You did not meet our minimum necessities, in other words, they don’t believe unemployed candidates.