And todays 21st century is quizzes very difficult century, as a result of people needs examination be in a position and has quizzes good behavior exam fit quizzes very prestigious work place and job. But how can they make it in University future if their hidden curriculum is not carried out well and right?It starts inside University lecture room and faculties that an individual imagines, foresee, or even create in his mind what s/he might want exam be and need exam have. Possible selves are representations of University self in University future, including those that are ideal and hoped for in addition to those that one does not wish for. In other words they’re people ideas about what they may become, what they want exam become, and what they are petrified of becoming Markus and Nurius, 1986, p. 954. Possible selves can be understood as an a must have link between self concept and motivation, gambling both quizzes cognitive and an affective role in motivation Markus and Ruvolo, 1989. This article gained 17 testimonials and 82% of readers who voted found it useful, earning it our reader authorised status. This article has been viewed 943,638 times. Effective note taking is not recording or transcribing. It is an active portion of University studying procedure that requires you examination fast digest University lecture fabric and write down its key elements in quizzes manner that suits your learning style. After properly getting ready for University lecture, optimize your process for taking notes. These steps, at the side of prompt revision and reorganization, you may become quizzes better lecture note taker.